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1/32 RESIN2detail Fast Fix B-17 Flying Fortress Seats with Belts (for HK kit)


Choose between 3 variants:


Basic = 2 highly-detailed seats with belts

Deluxe - 2 highly-detailed seats (with belts). Also includes detailed seat support structure and armor.


Each seat features realistic cushion textures to simulate the real floatation devices!  The Deluxe set features an intricate and highly-detailed support structure with rivets, Oxygen hose(s) and other small details.

Seats are drawn from factory blueprints to ensure full accuracy.


Some experience with 3D printed resin parts recommended (moderate to advanced modelling skills).  Will take approximately 10-15 minutes to carefully remove parts from their supports.


Not suitible for modellers under the age of 17.



FAST-FIX 1/32 Fast Fix B-17 Flying Fortress Seats with Belts RFF32066
